Styracosaurus Delux 1:40 Scale

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499 g
With a weight of 3 tons and a length of up to 5.5 metres, Styracosaurus were medium-sized ceratopsian dinosaurs, to which the Triceratops also belongs to. These dinosaurs had mighty skulls and lived in the Upper Cretaceous, which means roundabout 85 to 65 million years ago. With their giant nose horn measuring 50 centimetres and the spiked neck frill, giving its skull a massive, triangular appearance, Styracosaurus looked very robust. The function of the neck frill is still subject to speculation. It is assumed that it might have been too thin to work as a protective shield, so it might have served as a communication tool, for example as far as menacing gestures or imposing behaviour is concerned.
  • Diet: Herbivorous
  • Period: Upper Cretaceous
  • Meaning: Spiked Lizard
  • Fun Facts:
    • It had a bony neck frill surrounded and surmounted by a spectacular collection of horns and a single long nose horn.
  • Size: 23.5cm x 14cm
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